The Craft Beer Chronicles: New England

It’s a richly immersive little bit of the USA, is New England. Maybe because it’s closer to old, O.G. England? It has culture, it has “history” (by North American colonial standards) and it has the softest of water which means they make the softest of beers. It also has a very, very long coastline full of edible sea creatures, all […]

The Craft Beer Chronicles: The Northernmost Foeder in the World?

“You wouldn’t believe the number of tourists who stick to the bars in sight of their cruise ship. We get barely a trickle up the hill, so we started this shuttle”. Matt, of Alaskan Brewing, stroked his predictably long beard. “I love bringing people up on it, though. Means I can play tour guide a bit too. Did you know […]

A Beer Tourist’s Guide To…Portland, Maine

Yep, turns out there’s two of ’em. Indeed, the two Portlands perfectly typify the raging debate that has decimated US craft beer nerd-istry for the best part of a decade: Which IPA is better, East Coast or West Coast?